MBFGOCM Membership

The Metropolis of Boston Federation of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians was the first Greek Orthodox Choir Federation to be established in America. The Federation serves as a liaison between the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese (through its musical arm, the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians) and every local parish choir, psalti and church musician in the Metropolis of Boston. Our Federation requires revenue to continue to offer programs and services to the parishes we serve. This revenue comes from each parish of the Metropolis in the manner of annual membership, special trays passed on National Church Music Sunday (the first Sunday of October) and voluntary donations. This revenue also supports publishing the Acouste Key and is returned to each parish by way of Seminars, Conferences, music, information and other items that are distributed to church musicians. Each parish is asked to complete the membership form and return it along with your membership payment. The MBFGOCM Executive Board thanks you for your continued support.  Click here for PDF Membership Form.